We have developed successfully and implemented our team building models based on corporate culture of collaboration and sustainabilityLeadership becomes a common skill within the group as soon as actions are taken to meet the goal through quick and effective reactions in the current CAUV context (complex and ambiguous, uncertain, volatile).

The relationship that man establishes and maintains with mother Earth is the very prototype of the sustainable approach and mutual respect. In nature, barriers deriving from different roles are flattened and become the metaphor of a supportive and flexible organization.

Special team building activities are set according to corporate code of ethics or to focus the participants' attention on specific needs or messages to be conveyed in a given period, for a product launch or organizational structure.

Activities are supervised by expert coaches and / or psychotherapists in order to provide an articulated feed back to the client at the end of the program and to set a new training path.

They can be performed anywhere indoors and outdoors in movie sets or studios. Participants can be involved with motor activities and skills, tours, food and wine and sensorial itineraries, theatricalization, music playing, murals and artistic works, storytelling and much more!

Motivational outdoor events with horses

Roles and rules of social and organizational behavior put a limit to work relationship. As human beings, we are inevitably hindered by our cultural foundations. The horse, thanks to its independence and lack of cognitive superstructures, facilitates the relationship building along with our emotional, physical and energy interaction skills. We get to resume contact with our natural rhythm by experiencing it in the relationship with the animals. 

Gettiamo così una nuova luce sulla consapevolezza dell’utilizzo di tutti i nostri parametri non cognitivi.

Click here to download the presentation (.pdf)

Experiential event: Treasure hunt in the cities of art

Discover the beauties of Italy, while creating a new bond within your team and consolidating the motivations towards a common strategic project.

We have successfully developed and implemented a team building model inspired by Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" and delivered to global companies.

Venues, art experts and experienced assistants are at your disposalto create a unique and unrepeatable event. Management and participants alike solve the mystery all together, that is their goal.

Click here to download the presentation (.pdf)